Where is Manila Philippines

Where is Manila Philippines

Manila is the capital of the island country Philippines and is one of the most densely populated cities in the world with 71.000 peoples per square km. Population of this city has over 1.700.000 of peoples. So where is Manila Philippines : location of Manila is on the eastern shores of Manila Bay. If we watch the map we will see in left Manila Bay and in the right of capital we see the Laguna Bay so this show us the city is also a port city.

I will show you on the map with google interactive map to make an ideea where is located Manila in the Philippines.

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Where is Puerto Galera Philippines located

Where is Puerto Galera Philippines located

Where is Puerto Galera in Philippines located? Somewhere around the north-west of the country, more exactly in the NE of the coast of Minodoro Island. It is a small island but one very beautiful wich visited by many tourists. If you come from Manila you should made about 3 hours with car until get Puerto Galera, but we also recommend you travel by boat also from Batang or other islands, trust me you don't wanna miss the landscape. This resort have beautiful beaches and is very popular for the scuba diving as they called , you can swim underwater with the propper equipement wich you can rent it also with a boat and see the beauties of the sea like caves, shipwrecks or many others tropicals attractions.
Here is a map of the Puerto Galera Philippines :

And here is the google map :

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Where is Palawan in the Philippines

Where is Palawan in the Philippines

I will present you the location of Palawan in the Philippines, in my opinion one of the most beauty islands of this country. El Nido Palawan is a very large island from Philippine located in the west of Philippines right under South China Sea. This island is very populated with tourist cause of beauties wich offer. Palawan is also faimous for 2 of UNESCO world heritage sites: Tubbataha Reef National Marine Park and the other one is Puerto Princesa Subterranean River.

So i will show you
where is Palawan Philippines on the google map and on a image map.

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Where is Boracay Island Philippines

Where is Boracay Island Philippines

I am sure most of you are asking where is the Boracay Island in Philippine. First of all i will show you a simple map of location of the island , i try to make easy as i can for you to search or see it. The red point show location on Boracay, if u want to see closer look bottom on the google map wich you can scroll in or out.

Boracay Philippines Map
Boracay is very popular resort and visited from tourists arount the whole world couples and also families cause this resort not only have many attractions but also the low cost makes it overpopulated when is open for tourism cause not all time is open, this resort with withe sand have the dry season when can be open for tourist and the rainy season when is closed cause might be typhoons.
For this we prepare you a google map to see it better and explore the map but also we will provide you some informations about this wonderful island.

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Where is the Philippines located

Where is the Philippines Located

Philippines its an island country situated in South-East Asia in the Pacific Ocean. I know many people ask where is the philippines located and we show you the map .

Philippines Map

Where is Philippines

So if your try find where is philippines on global map just start first time going on Asia Continent and after search Philippines.
You can see better where is philippines location on the google map placed on our front page called "Where is Philippines" .

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Beautiful images places in the Philippines

Beautiful images places in the Philippines

On this post from where is the philippines we gonna show you some of the most beautiful images places in philippines .

Manila Philippines Images (never forget the capital beside all)

Manila Phillipines

Visit Manila Philippines
Philippines Manila

night manila philippines
Manila panoramic
Philippines gallery

2. Boracay Island Philippines Images

boracay philippines images country


3. Palawan Philippines Images
Images Palawan Philippines
4. Puerto Galera Philippines Images

I had choosed a little list of pictures and islands, dont forget Philippines has over 7000 of islands but if you have any pictures or suggestions just let us a comment. Thank you for watching and i hope you enjoy it !

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Where is the Philippines on the map

Where is the Philippines on the map

If you ask where is the Philippines on the map as i said in the main page Philippines is part of Asia continent and if you look better on map you will see is on south east and also you can see more countries as Singapore, Vietnam or Indonesia.
Many people ask if
Philippines its own country as an independent country or belong other country or nation. The answer is quite simple: Philippines was a United States teritory but U.S. recognized independent in 1946.

So let's see once again
where is the Philippines on the map

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